About the North Columbia Monthly
The North Columbia Monthly is about Where and How We Live. In print and online, we aim to inform, illuminate, educate, explore, encourage, and celebrate.
It is my hope that in sharing this content, readers will learn, be entertained, make connections, build bridges, strive for peaceful solutions to strife and difference, and think deeply.
Preference is given to what is good and right in community and to encourage these things to proliferate and be celebrated as the norm. That doesn’t mean shying away from difficulty. It means not flushing energy down the drain of unproductive negativity. It means marshaling our creativity, our passions, our collective intelligence, our determination, our vision, and our care for ourselves, our families and neighbors, and the places we call home, and doing, not just good things, but great things.
The North Columbia Monthly is published 12 times a year and distributed in Ferry, Stevens and Pend Oreille counties, in downtown and north Spokane and interior British Columbia, and online at ncmonthly.com.
We invite (and pay for) work by writers, photographers, videographers, and practitioners on such topics as:
Food / Recipes
Gardening / Landscaping
Agriculture / Farmer’s markets
Animals as companions / Therapy animals
Health / Yoga / Exercise
Sightseeing / Tourism
Wildlife watching / Outdoor recreation
History / Natural history / Native history
Indigenous cultures
Community design / Community development
Business development / Entrepreneurship
Home building / Architecture
Family support / Resources
Social science
Technology / Robotics
Math / Theory / Science
Arts (fine, performing, folk, old world)
Literature / Music / Film
Civic groups / Events
Causes for good / Charity / Grants
This list cuts a fairly wide swath, representing an appreciation for learning, thought, and intentional living that actively seeks to be in right relationship with self, family, community, and place. (And with loads of rose-smelling along the way.)
Ideas, content submissions and feedback are always welcome.
Gabriel Cruden, Owner/Publisher